Pricing Plan /paper

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$ 6

  • For up to 50 accepted papers (minimum payment: 25 accepted papers)


$ 5

  • For 51-100 accepted papers


$ 4

  • For 101-300 accepted papers


$ 3

  • For >300 accepted papers

*Invoice will be sent at the end of the registration period. Payment shall be made no later than 3 days after the conference ends.

Get in touch and our support team will answer all your questions.
If you want to book a demo, we will happily assist you.
(We typically reply within 1x24 hours.)

If you want to ask for trial/demo the system, we provide it 100% free! All you have to do is just register on Register page here, and Create your conference. Don't forget to contact us to confirm that you are doing a demo, so that the conference you create will not be taken down.

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